

  • Responding to emails
  • Scheduling appointments/meetings
  • Office organization
  • Data entry
  • Letter/Document creation


  • Find that perfect gift and order it for you
  • Plan trips
  • Plan gatherings (personal or business)

Data Management

  • File Organization
  • Email Management
  • Calendar Management
  • Data Entry
  • Spreadsheet creation/management
  • Create forms/surveys 

Social Media

  • Post content to social media
  • Prepare and post blogs
  • Review blog comments/remove spam


  • Update plugins
  • Website Maintenance

Creative Assistance

  • Organize your media
  • Create photo books/calendars
  • Personalize client contact
  • Power point presentations


Starter Bundle

The best way to find out if we are a good match is to take a few hours to work together and make sure we are a match.

New client bundles start with 2-5 hours. This rate is reduced from the regular client bundle to assure that you don’t spend more than you need if I am not a good match for you.

Starting at $30

Client Retainer

Now that we know we are a good fit for each other, we can upgrade to more hours and a regular retainer of hours.

Retainers are prepaid hours of 5-10 per bundle.

Starting at $130

Project Bundle

Don’t want to worry about the hours and you just have a project you need completed.

Project bundles are determined by the project and time required to complete your job.

Once I know what you need, I will prepare a proposal project details and the charge for the projected completion.

Price depends upon project